Захарченко Валентина
Киев (возможен переезд)
• 47 лет •
500 $
PSYCHOTHERAPIST в Family center "My World"
1 год 8 месяцев
Founder/organszer в Event agency ''You didn't dream"
6 лет 1 месяц
Для просмотра контактов соискателя необходимо зарегистрироваться, как работодатель
Ключевая информация:
Schedule: project.
- Good time management.
- Communicative.
- Responsible.
- Tolerance and patience.
- Good physical health and fitness.
- Interpersonal skills.
- Teamworking skills.
Опыт работы:
дек. 2014 - авг. 2016
Family center "My World"
- creating training for couples;
- creating training for parents;
- creating training "How to do the first step" in the different spheres;
- taking part in the UATA and EATA conferences (Association of Transactional Analysis) in Cherkassy- 2015, 2016, Rome-2015, Geneva-2016.
нояб. 2008 - дек. 2014
Event agency ''You didn't dream"
- creating new kind of wedding in our tawn wedinng ceremony;
- creating handheld puppet show;
- creating the first wedding festival in our tawn "Wedding boldness";
- creating the first ukrainian cuisine festival "Power of the borsch";
- creating about 200 wedding.
Cherkasy national university named after Bogdan Khmelnitski. Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (Cherkasy)
Год окончания 1999
EATA TA 202 course (Cherkasy)
Год окончания 2016
The 2-years foundation course in Transactional Analysis for Physiotherapy. Total hours of academic training - 192
Language skills: English - intermediate (I can be interviewed in this language).
Для просмотра контактов соискателя необходимо зарегистрироваться, как работодатель